My First Hackthon

Maybe in the June, Wen, the CEO of Smarking Inc gave a link to apply YC Hackthon. Then, in a morning, when I was waiting the subway, I got the email that my application was accepted. Not so superised, as it just means I still did the same thing(coding) in a different place. Thanks for the CMU competition, Wen can afford the flight fee for us to CA. (31st July ~ 4 August)



  • 10am-12pm Registration and API Expo

  • 12pm Hacking begins

  • 12:30pm Lunch

  • 1pm-3:30pm API Workshops (in 320 Pioneer Way)

  • 1pm Firebase

  • 1:30pm Pebble

  • 2pm Docker

  • 2:30pm Meteor

  • 3pm Kimono

  • 3:30pm

  • 1pm-10pm Open office hours with YC alum and partners

  • 6pm Dinner


  • 9am Breakfast
  • 10am-2pm Open office hours with YC alum and partners
  • 12pm Lunch
  • 12pm Practice demos with YC alum and mentors in the office hours area
  • 1:30pm Deadline to submit to ChallengePost
  • 1:30pm If you’re in the main hacking room at 335, be prepared to mobilize for the Expo.
  • 2pm Deadline to submit to Product Hunt (use this Wufoo form)
  • 2pm We will send around a Google Doc with your team name + expo table. Have the first demo person on your team in the main room at 335 and ready to demo (with - devices charged).
  • 2:30pm-4pm Expo
  • 4pm-5pm Judging
  • 5pm-6pm Awards + closing

We came to CA two days before the hackthon. But as the rule below, we cannot coding until 2 August. So I prepared the document the whole day in Mcdonalds, and defined what we would do in the hackthon.(I’d say that the free wifi in Mcdonalds is so bad, and I have to buy the daily pass of Xinfinity.) Rule

After working the whole night without sleep, finally, we made a demo which can be played:

What have we done?

  1. We build multiple and useful Server Side APIs to the public
  2. Web Apps and mobile apps(android&iOS)

This is the shit we did: The shit we have done


  1. We have watch a film the first night to CA. :-)
  2. I almost did every technic thing, from system architect, API design, server side programming, android/iOS app building to document writing. Really tough work~
  3. We are so naive. As my experience, the winners’ projects are impossible be done during 24 hours. But the holders seem not care this at all.
  4. All the submissions in YC hackthon: