Maybe not a good start of 2023

From the end of 2022, I have heard so many layoff news from big tech. While I never thought I would be impacted, since I believed Salesforce is a 2B company, and its business would be as stable as before. Embarrassing, it came to this news eventually, just one day before my son’s birthday. >> salesforce 10% layoff

When I was laid off, I did not take it very serious, since I was still in paternity leave, and I spent some a lot of time with my kid, and spare some time for interview preparing. I was pretty confident that I would find my new job if I want to even I will be paid less.

But later, I find it is not that easy. I have been interviewed by some companies, and I have been rejected by all of them eventually. I do not think I did a bad job, maybe there are better candidates than me, or maybe I am not a good fit for the company.

For example, a startup uses Golang for backend, and I told the recruiter that I have very little experience with it. I even spent a full day for learning Golang, so that I can use golang for interview. I did not do any wrong, and I am pretty happy with my performance. But I was rejected anyway.

Even for a senior software engineer as me, it is not easy to find a new job. I can feel it will be super hard year for new graduates.

Best of luck for all of us!