Given a binary tree, find its minimum depth.
The minimum depth is the number of nodes along the shortest path from the root node down to the nearest leaf node.
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| public class MinimumDepthOfBinaryTree { public int minDepth(TreeNode root) { if (root == null) { return 0; } return helper(root, 1); } private int helper(TreeNode node, int length) { if (node == null) { return length - 1; } if (node.left == null && node.right == null) { return length; } else { int l = Integer.MAX_VALUE; int r = Integer.MAX_VALUE; if (node.left != null) { l = helper(node.left, length + 1); } if (node.right != null) { r = helper(node.right, length + 1); } return Math.min(l, r); } }
public int minDepthSolution2(TreeNode root) { if(root == null) { return 0; }
int nextLevelCount = 1; int counter = 0; int depth = 1; Queue<TreeNode> queue = new LinkedList<>(); queue.add(root);
while(!queue.isEmpty()) { TreeNode node = queue.poll(); nextLevelCount--;
if(node.left == null && node.right == null) { return depth; }
if(node.left != null) { queue.add(node.left); counter++; }
if(node.right != null) { queue.add(node.right); counter++; }
if(nextLevelCount == 0) { nextLevelCount = counter; counter = 0; depth++; } }
return 0; } }